martes, 7 de octubre de 2008


The simple definition of dermatitis is inflammation of the skin. Many people think of dermatitis as synonymous with eczema but this is actually not true. Almost any rash can be thought of as a dermatitis based on this definition - including psoriasis, skin cancer, and seborrhea. However, we don't call every rash a dermatitis.

Dermatitis Appearance
The rash of dermatitis is itchy, red, and may or may not have distinct margins. The specific look of the rash depends on the amount of time it has been present. Acute dermatitis has blisters, subacute dermatitis has scaling and crusting, and chronic dermatitis has lichenification.

Dermatitis Types
There are several distinct types of dermatitis that are delineated by the causative agent or the cellular mechanism responsible for the rash. Examples of specific types of dermatitis are:

  • Allergic contact dermatitis - A delayed hypersensitivity reaction involving allergens and antibodies.
  • Irritant contact dermatitis - Exposure to irritating chemicals or detergents.
  • Atopic dermatitis - An allergic-type reaction that is accompanied by hay fever, asthma, and very dry skin.
  • Stasis dermatitis - Occurs on the ankles and lower legs of people with venous insufficiency.
  • Diaper dermatitis - A type of irritant dermatitis caused by long exposure of the skin to wet diapers.
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